jeudi 5 septembre 2013

De do do do, de da da da

The Police, De do do do, de da da da

No Papoï does not says any word yet. Nope, none I can recognise for sure. Not even Papa or Mama. 

However, he speaks, laughs, and screams a lot. We have a loud happy baby: the happier, the louder.  Although I keep signing with him, he does not repeat any sign either. He is also using body language a lot. He is pointing to show objects or food he wants.

Moreover, he does understand what is said to him in French, in English and in German. I am amazed how easy it seems for him. If I say: "Are you hungry? Do you want to go to the kitchen for lunch?" He gets up and walk to the kitchen. "Arms up to pull your T-shirts" works to.